Video Conferencing has become a standard form of corporate communication. The cost of video conference rooms has been steadily declining and boasts of improved experiences have fallen short of the high expectations.
Year after year, when users are asked to rate experiences in AV enabled rooms, the experience that has consistently rated poorly is the audio experience; until now.
Better choices being made early in the design process will mitigate many of the factors responsible for expectations not realized.
CAPTUS SYSTEMS video and audio conference room solutions are unique because of their consistent high-quality results.
Hallmarks of a CAPTUS SYSTEMS video + audio conference room are:
- No visible wires.
- Perfect camera angles – so meeting participants appear to have a seat at the table.
- Perfect Audio – everyone on the call can be heard with crystal clarity as if they are in the same room.
- Ease of operation – calls can be scheduled to connect based upon a calendar invitation.
Whether implementing a standard video codec (using Cisco, Polycom, LifeSize) or a PC based solution (using Skype for Business, ZOOM, Vidyo) or just calling into an audio bridge – every user experience is the same.
Variables to be considered include, but are not limited to, too many hard surfaces, glass walls, open ceilings, etc. Specifying the correct camera, installing at an optimal camera height with appropriate pan-tilt-zoom capabilities and specifying correct microphones programmed into latest DSP technology can have an oversized effect on performance and expectation.
Contact CAPTUS SYSTEMS today to ensure that your video conference room will perform as intended and will exceed expectations of all concerned.

Call CAPTUS SYSTEMS to have your Video Conference Room designed for FREE.